Turbull leaves Howard dangling

He might be one of the richest politicians in the southern hemisphere and he is not short on grey matter but the Federal Environment Minister Malcolm Turnbull is now resorting to desperate tactics to hold his blue ribbon seat of Wentworth.

Despite the fact that Federal cabinet deliberations are secret, an interview with Malcolm Turnbull in the Australian Financial Review mysteriously contained leaked details from an unnamed source claiming that Mr Turnbull was rebuffed six weeks ago in Cabinet when he tried to get the Australian Government to ratify the Kyoto Protocol.

This guy is as slippery as an eel covered in molasses.

Yesterday, the Prime Minister John Howard was forced to publicly defend Mr Turnbull, notwithstanding the fact he regards him as the nation's greatest show pony.

The way things are going for the Liberals, Malcolm Turnbull will see the Kyoto Protocol ratified in the very near future - under a Rudd Labor Government, with Malcolm sitting on the sidelines as the ex-Member for Wentworth.