Family First candidate evasive on drugs and porno

The Family First candidate for the far North Queensland seat of Leichhardt continued his week of stupidity with both his denials and admissions regarding pornography and drug use.

University lecturer Ben Jacobsen is flying the flag for Family First and is making himself look like a prize dill in the process.

Two days ago, he questioned the sexual preferences of his Liberal Party opponent Ms Charlie McKillop.

Yesterday, when questioned by the media, he admitted that he had looked at internet pornography "but not for five years".

Wow, what a great guy.

But his best effort was of Biblical proportions when he thrice denied using illicit drugs.

He answered as follows when asked if he had ever tried illicit drugs:

"Not to my knowledge";

I do "not recall";

Then, "No".

And then, presumably, the cock crowed three times!

Family First Leader Senator Steve Fielding from Victoria has refused to disendorse this dunce from North Queensland which is why Family First will never be a force to be reckoned with north of the Murray River.