Government exposed over secret Dr Haneef plan

The Federal Government should hang its collective head in shame over the latest revelations concerning the Dr Mohamed Haneef affair.

Despite repeated denials by the Federal Immigration Minister Kevin Andrews that he had formulated a plan to revoke Dr Haneef's work visa BEFORE Dr Haneef had been granted bail in the Brisbane Magistrates' Court on 16 July 2007, secret emails have now emerged that the Australian Federal Police had been working on such a contingency two days earlier.

Kate Walshe, a spokeswoman for Kevin Andrews was "shocked and a bit concerned" at the revelations in the AFP emails.

She is quoted as saying: "That's something, to be honest, I'm a bit lost for words on because it shocks me".

The only honesty is this whole tawdry affair is the words uttered by Kate Walshe.

And let's face it, she was shocked only because the truth has finally started to emerge.

Bring on a Royal Commission.