Her Worship the Mayor of Logan

Knighthoods have disappeared from Australia but Logan City Council still persists with its quaint English traditions.

The Logan Council Chamber is headed with a sign declaring:



Surely in this modern day and age, it's time for Logan City to dump its colonial accoutrements rather than sticking with the protocols of the First Fleet.

Logan's "Maggie Thatcher" should realise this is 2009 not 1788.

What sort of worship does she expect? Fulsome kow-towing and affectionate curtsies usually reserved for the Queen of England?

Wouldn't a "How ya goin Pam" be just as good for the supposed workers' friend rather than all this pomp and ceremony and fancy titles which has only a short history in the 30-year old City of Logan?

PAUL TULLY: paul@tully.org.au

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